Triathlon Chronicles Season 2: A Gathering of Goddesses

December 27, 2012

When we last saw our, heroines...Goddesses...we had just completed the snail-infested Zukey Tri and were entering the off-season, that time for reflection and lower endorphin levels and realizing how insane it was to be a middle-aged mom attempting triathlon when I could have been doing something reasonable like...mall-walking.

And now I'm sitting on the couch on this snowy morning wondering just what the hell is wrong with me. Apparently, there will be a Season 2 of the Triathlon Chronicles, and it will also include my first 5K. Resistance really is futile, I guess.

The Goddesses had a Strategic Planning Session last night, held, naturally, at LaVita Bistro in Pinckney - nothing like a little wine to lead to a collective "sure, why not." And we came up with a doozy of a season opener: Epic Races New Year's Eve Midnight Run.

Yes, that would be a 5K in downtown Ann Arbor. At midnight. On New Year's Eve.

Our poor husbands. I think they plan to hang out at Bar Louie and see if they can trade us in on more rational spousal versions, not that they will find anything remotely suitable in a bar in Ann Arbor on New Year's Eve. In the time it takes us to run a 5K. Wait...should I rethink that?


If you are new to the Chronicles, I am a middle-aged mom who, in a moment of menopausal irrationality, decided to use triathlon as a fitness goal. I then used my Awesome Powers of Persuasion to coerce some buddies to join me (Goddess 1-3, and we may be adding Goddesses 4 and 5 this year). The whole point to the exercise (heh.) is that you don't need to look like these ladies to get into a few local events:

Our experiences were that all shapes, sizes and levels of fitness could be seen at all three events we participated in last summer. We had simple goals that will remain unchanged for 2013 - don't drown, don't be last. Let the games begin!